Skin Lesions

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+44 (0)20 3752 1565

Mr Ragoowansi routinely carries out excision of skin lesions under local anaesthetic in our minor operation suite at 16 Devonshire Street, Marylebone, London, W1G 7JL.

There procedures are either preformed on a day separate to the consultation day or on the same day (see & treat) should the need arise.
After informed consent, the appropriate lesion(s) is marked, and local anaesthetic injected with a fine needle just under the skin to create an area of anaesthesia. The lesion is excised and send for microscopic evaluation (if appropriate). The wound(s) are closed mainly with self-dissolving sutures through scars hidden in convenient, hidden creases to conceal the scar in the long term. A waterproof dressing is applied, and advice is given on activities such as driving, lifting, carrying and gym. You are allowed to shower over the waterproof dressings which are removed at a week following the procedure.
Thereafter, unless indicated otherwise, the dressings are removed by the patient and wound kept exposed. At day 10 following the procedure, advise is given on massage of the scar with simple moisturising cream followed by application of silicone gel and sun protection factor at 2 weeks following the procedure. This protocol of scar care and massage is followed for 8-10 weeks post-operatively in order to ensure smooth, comfortable healing of the scar.
At 10 days to 2 weeks the patient is invited back for a follow up review whereby he results of the biopsy are shared, the scar healing monitored and further advice given on scar care.

skin lesions